Our 2008 Fair booth looked awesome decorated with student artwork. I didn't get a chance to tell the students which artwork was going to be in the fair booth because I didn't know how much we'd have room for and the fair was over our Fall break. But, it looked so great and each student that had something on display received a ribbon. We received A TON of First place ribbons! WOO HOO! In the next few days, I will try to get all the ribbons passed out and take a picture of each child with their ribbon and their artwork. I'm so proud of how beautiful their artwork looked! They really work hard.
Our new banner with our new school's name, was a hit as well!

I love the web site.Thanks
This is a terrific website, but I wish the kids' names were on the artwork so we'd know if our kids' projects were on here. Thanks for all your hard work!
Thank you for all your hard work! These kids are incredibly talented. I also wish their names were posted, but am impressed beyond words.
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